
Our Services

Digital marketing

At Uwejja! we specialise in digital marketing.

Digital marketing in Malta is always on the up – and it seems like 2020 will be no different!

So, how do we offer our marketing services?

Social Media Marketing: This type of marketing has risen through the ranks over the past few years.

Hence, it’s certainly become the main source of income for some!

Brand awareness through social media:
A number of clients have approached Uwejja. Many come seeking increased awareness.

We’ve helped startups build awareness through different strategies.

Strategies such as:

  1. Page like campaigns
  2. Post engagement
  3. Creative, out-of-the-box type campaigns.

Account setup:
We’ll set up any social media page for you:

– Add your profile picture & cover photo
– Update your company description
– Update your company information
– Get you started on your way to marketing greatness!

Lead generation & conversion: Brand awareness can only get you so far. Sometimes lead-generation is needed to help convert clients from being interested, to making a purchase.

Vacancies: Looking to grow your company?

We can help you find the perfect fit for your company. Our team also specialises in designed posts and specific vacancy posts to help spread the word.

Backlinking: At Uwejja! we can help increase traffic to your site.

We do this through many sources. Including social media platforms and other sources to help improve your Search Engine ranking.

And finally – one of the most important strategies for digital marketing in Malta:

This technique allows your company to show ads to those who have already visited your website.

As a result, this improves your chance of generating a lead or conversion



Drop us a line on hello@uwejja.com to find out more.

Looking for other digital services? Click here.

Also, be sure to check out our latest updates on Facebook and Instagram.